Two weeks ago I blogged about our pastor Rob Morgan's first sermon in his series on the Trinity. He has continued the series with Parts 2 and 3 the previous two Sundays. Pastor Morgan resumed his discussion from the previous week with Part 2. His premise for the sermon noted that as we are created by and in the image of the Triune God, we are created for communion, fellowship, communication and community. He talked about how the Trinity is revealed progressively in scripture, which is quite obvious if you think about it, but something I had never thought much about previously. He noted that the doctrine of the Trinity is implicit in the Old Testament (not stated plainly). He referred to these scriptures as "Us" passages (Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:6-7 and Isaiah 6:8) and also noted scriptural references to "interesting Triads" (Isaiah 6 and Numbers 6:24-26). He also noted in Isaiah 61 that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct. His sermon continued by noting how the doctrine of the Trinity is more fully revealed in the New Testament. Scriptural references included the Baptism of Christ (where all three are present and distinct: Father, Son and Holy Spirit), The Great Commission, John 14:15 and 1 Peter 1:1-2. Pastor Morgan concluded Part 2 by referring to his initial point that we are created for communion, fellowship, communication and community with other people and with God as seen through the communion, fellowship, communication and community that is seen in the Trinity. This is readily noted in John 16:32, when Jesus is about to be deserted by his disciples but He says he will not be alone for My Father is with Me. WOW! What a revelation to me- I don't know why this struck me so excitedly, as I have read and heard this scripture numerous time before, but to think that there is such community, communication and belonging amongst God. I mean I know somewhere previously that the thought ran through my brain that there is a relationship between God the Father and God the Son, but this time and even now it is sitting there- being weighed between the neurons. Sometimes it seems that we can hear scripture over and over and not really pay attention, but this time and even more so now, I feel like it is sinking into my bones. He also referred to 2 Timothy 4:16 & 17 where Paul is imprisoned in Rome and has been deserted by his friends but states the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength. WOW again. Pastor Morgan also noted that there was only one moment when the communication lines within the Trinity where shutdown- do you know that moment? It brought tears to my eyes thinking of it as Pastor Morgan talked about it, because it made me realize just how much God loves me. It was on the cross when Jesus took upon the sins that separate us all from God and He was therfore separated from God Himself..... do you remember His cry..... My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? Pastor Morgan stated it this way, "It was as if He had to unplug Himself to plug us in."
If you have read this and I have confused you or you just can't understand my ramblings, please read or view the sermons
I had hoped to post about Part 3 as well but a review of Part 2 was enough for me for tonight.
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago
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