Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gotta love it!

Hard to believe my last blog was just a week ago- the day before Eli arrived! I'll post more about that later but for now just wanted to share these pictures and videos. You have to wait until the very end of the 2nd video for Eli's precious smile! Caleb is doing wonderfully well with baby brother and this morning I had one of the sweetest times of my life! For about the last month Caleb has been getting up around 6am and coming into my and Jeremy's room and crawling up in between us into what he called his "hole." He'd snuggle in between us and fall back asleep for another 30 minutes or so or start talking about what he wanted for supper (he still doesn't have his meals straight!). I treasured these times because I knew in a short while with Eli's arrival things would change- I didn't know exactly how things would change, just that things would be different with a newborn. Since bringing Eli home things have definitely changed, but Caleb has continued to wake up around 6 and run into our room. Since Eli has been sleeping with us at night, I wasn't sure how Caleb would handle it but he has been so sweet! He usually asks, "Where's baby brother?" Then he gives Eli a kiss and this morning for the first time he snuggled in beside of Eli and we all went back to sleep- so, so sweet and so wonderful to have those precious moments together.


Anonymous said...

Sweet pictures! Caleb looks so grown up in them! That's hilarious that he wants to "mess him up".

Laura said...

What precious boys you have! I'm glad that everything is going well. Congratulations!
