Friday, February 19, 2010


you're just all tuckered out. This was after enjoying a late lunch at Cracker Barrell- just the four of us. Jeremy and I were completely amazed at how well both boys behaved (well, Caleb particularly). We kept Caleb entertained with food and Eli seemed to love just watching and observing the people around us.What's for dinner? Eli has finally started eating more consistently. He obviously prefers vegetables over fruits as he makes the most hilarious face when offered fruits. I remember when Caleb would do this exact same thing and I thought it was just as funny then! I call it "smoking the spoon." Sometimes your older brother tries to make you look silly by putting a hat on your head.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

I think Caleb looks like the Walters but Eli really looks like his daddy. You have two beautiful boys.