Sunday, June 6, 2010

This and That - Playing Catch Up

Blueberry Biscuits- my new favorite treat to make for Caleb and for the rest of us as they dairy and egg free, but you'd never know it! They are also suprisingly low in fat and moderate in calories, but again, you'd never know it!!
Wrestling with Daddy, a favorite pasttime of ours!
Eli's new crib- after one recall, two trips to Target and a whole day spent disassembling the old crib and then assembling the new crib.
The start of my parents garden- this was late April so more has been planted and much growth has occurred. These are green beans, of which I had the first taste today- two words: SUMMERTIME YUMMINESS. Updates coming soon!
Eli's loves to crawl into tight spaces and inspect the electrical outlets and electrical cords. We have made quite an obstacle course of most of the house to keep him safe from harm.

1 comment:

Seth said...

Wish I could partake of the fruits of Mom and Dad's labor.