Monday, June 21, 2010

Pictures from Mother's Day

So, my very talented brother-in-law helped us install our new computer (one he built for us which has more storage than we'll ever know what to do with) and it has been awesome! I, however, have had to learn to use a couple of new programs I wasn't previously familiar with. Anyway, I think I am now getting the hang of things, so here are some belated pictures from Mother's Day. I have to say, my dad was one awesome Granddaddy that day! It's so neat how my parents can be such a team! Dad really spent a lot of time watching the grandkids and playing with them and taking them on wagon rides. Just as my mom is a Super Mom, my dad is a Super Dad and a super Granddaddy! Eli's first wagon ride, on a wagon that must be at least 25 years old.
Mother and Daughter- I just love this picture as the family resemblance is so, so obvious! The Hinkson girls are beautiful! Kuddos to my sister for having the only granddaughter in our family! And for being such a terrific mom and sister!
Caleb wearing his helmet for the daredevil rides down the hill. I don't think the boy stopped the entire day until his head hit the pillow that night. He really didn't even stop to eat- he had a few chips here and there, but he was on GO the whole day. The boy has more drive and energy than anyone I have ever known.
Somebody has always got to sit on the bench.
My Mother's Day Breakfast- I have to say my husband is one of the most thoughtful, loving husband's a girl could have. He set all of this up of course but had Caleb act like he was doing it all. So, so very sweet! Thank you Jeremy for being the love of my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What better than Fruit Loops on Mother's Day! Love all the pictures, especially the one in your other post of all the grandchildren. I love how many riding toys are in that one picture!