Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Break from Blogging.....

So, we've been away for a while with a break from blogging but alas, we have returned! There were several reasons for the break which I will list just for my own sake.
1. Broke the camera and something just doesn't seem right about blogging without pictures- who would care to listen to my narrative (excuse the present!)?
2. Procrastinated, but finally bought a new camera but then could not get the software to work correctly on the computer to download pictures. Problem recently fixed! Thank you Jeremy.
3. Found out baby #2 was on the way and amidst the nausea and vomiting, found out I needed to spend Caleb's nap time napping myself (there goes the previous designated blogging time). It is amazing how much time I could spend sleeping being preggers!
4. Joined Facebook and my need for communication with the outside world was solved with the break from blogging! By the way, if you're not on Facebook take the time to join and get in touch with all those long lost high school cronies, college roomies and the like.
5. One word: HOLIDAYS! Thanksgiving and Christmas were great! We spent a lot of time with family and friends, including relatives from NC which was wonderful. They were busy, nonetheless, and with the increased amount of cooking I did combined with the increased need for sleep, not much time was left for blogging! Not to mention time required to shop. Thankfully, I had already purchased many of my gifts, so I didn't really have any last minute purchases to make.
6. Jeremy had the month of December off from rotations and so we just spent some time chillin' as a family. I don't think Caleb knew much what to do with both of us here, but I think he enjoyed getting to see his daddy everyday for more than just a few hours. Jeremy and I also managed to get away for a couple of days just the two of us to Gatlinburg. Believe it or not, it was my first overnighter away from Caleb. He stayed with Grandmama and Granddaddy and had a wonderful time, as did we! Jeremy unfortunately returns to his rotations today, however, I really think he is glad to be returning to something productive. Plus, he can see now that the end of school is in sight! Just a few rotations left and then graduation the end of May, which just also happens to be when the baby is due. We like to plan big events simultaneously!
Here we are today, trying to turn life into some sense of normalcy- Jeremy's back to school, I'm ~21 weeks pregnant and Caleb is amusing us everyday. How exciting that a new year has begun and new beginnings are all around us! I'll probably post some pictures from the past few months in my next blog.


Kat said...

Welcome back!! Cute family you got there! Are you feeling any better??

The Troutts said...

I am so glad you are back to blogging! I do want us to get together soon. Amanda is 12 weeks pregnant. I found out yesterday!