Monday, June 21, 2010

Pictures from Mother's Day Take 2

Just a few more pictures to share..... My lovely and talented sister-in-law who has blessed our family in so many ways!
The grandchild picture- mom's roses had really put on a show for the day and provided the perfect backdrop!
Caleb at the end of the day. He was barely able to keep his eyes open as Granddaddy helped him eat his Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream (which he absolutely loved). I think Granddaddy loved helping feed it to him just as much as Caleb loved eating it as this was Caleb's first time to have ice cream (I finally found a decent brand that met all of C's restrictions). My dad loves feeding babies and little kids and especially loves feeding them sweets like ice cream, something he had missed out on with C until now.
Grandmama with Ace at the end of the day- tired but still loving being a grandmother!

Pictures from Mother's Day

So, my very talented brother-in-law helped us install our new computer (one he built for us which has more storage than we'll ever know what to do with) and it has been awesome! I, however, have had to learn to use a couple of new programs I wasn't previously familiar with. Anyway, I think I am now getting the hang of things, so here are some belated pictures from Mother's Day. I have to say, my dad was one awesome Granddaddy that day! It's so neat how my parents can be such a team! Dad really spent a lot of time watching the grandkids and playing with them and taking them on wagon rides. Just as my mom is a Super Mom, my dad is a Super Dad and a super Granddaddy! Eli's first wagon ride, on a wagon that must be at least 25 years old.
Mother and Daughter- I just love this picture as the family resemblance is so, so obvious! The Hinkson girls are beautiful! Kuddos to my sister for having the only granddaughter in our family! And for being such a terrific mom and sister!
Caleb wearing his helmet for the daredevil rides down the hill. I don't think the boy stopped the entire day until his head hit the pillow that night. He really didn't even stop to eat- he had a few chips here and there, but he was on GO the whole day. The boy has more drive and energy than anyone I have ever known.
Somebody has always got to sit on the bench.
My Mother's Day Breakfast- I have to say my husband is one of the most thoughtful, loving husband's a girl could have. He set all of this up of course but had Caleb act like he was doing it all. So, so very sweet! Thank you Jeremy for being the love of my life!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mother's Day

What does Mother's Day mean to you? I mean truly, for those of us who are mothers, it might be described as a somewhat self indulgent holiday. If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we are celebrating a day because we are mothers- because we gave birth (or adopted children or for whatever reason became a mother to someone). Mother's Day for me, however, is not about me, totally, although I do love the fact that I have been blessed by having children. Being a mother has made me more rooted in the world, and I'm not talking about "the world," but the total cosmos. It's like I have been given a foothold in what it really is to be a part of something bigger than myself. The birthing process itself was an out of this world experience for me- both times. With Caleb (and the epidural) I felt as if I was totally surrounded by angels and it was almost as if they were singing to me throughout the entire process. With Eli (and no epidural, just the support of my husband and awesome nurses), I felt as if I was part of some orchestral masterpiece not only written by God, but also completely directed by Him. I felt in that moment as if I was totally were I was supposed to be. Granted, the pain was there, but there was purpose and understanding and comfort throughout. A friend of mine, Brandy, who had undergone natural childbirth before me and with whom I had shared my desire to pursue natural childbirth, had encouraged me with the words, "Katie, I'm not going to tell you it doesn't hurt because it does; but as soon as the baby is out, the pain is gone." So I held to that and she was so right! Anyway, I might blog about that later when I post about Eli's 1st birthday, but for now, back to Mother's Day. Well, my mother's day celebration couldn't have started out more perfect. My sweet husband and son fixed me breakfast in bed- a rare, rare treat! And on top of it all, I was able to share it with my son (it was Fruit Loops by the way!). I also received some beautiful cards delivered to me while in bed. We did not make it to church that day, as my mother-in-law had passed the previous day and we were all kind of worn out from that, so we spent the morning together as a family which was nice. My mother then prepared lunch for all of her children and grandchildren who live within driving distance (yes, we missed you Uncle Seth!) and also my brother-in-law Russ. Now, this gets me to my point about mother's day- MY MOM. Here it was, Mother's Day, and of all the females in the family, she has birthed the most babies and yet she is preparing the meal! She had determined in her mind that since my sister-in-law and I both have little ones and my sister was driving from Kentucky and we have such a large crowd that eating out is a hassle (especially on a holiday like Mother's Day), that it just made more sense for her to prepare the meal. So, on a day when she could have focused on herself, she was doing what it is that makes her who she is- the loving and giving mother that she is- by doing for others. And what a lovely day we all had. The food was delicious as usual and the company of course the best you could ask for. So thank you mom, for defining what Mother's Day is to all of us. You are the best of the best!

Bug Man

We spotted a single, lone Cicada last month. Caleb was very interested in it and actually smiled when having his picture made holding it. One of the joys of being from Tennessee!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This and That - Playing Catch Up

Blueberry Biscuits- my new favorite treat to make for Caleb and for the rest of us as they dairy and egg free, but you'd never know it! They are also suprisingly low in fat and moderate in calories, but again, you'd never know it!!
Wrestling with Daddy, a favorite pasttime of ours!
Eli's new crib- after one recall, two trips to Target and a whole day spent disassembling the old crib and then assembling the new crib.
The start of my parents garden- this was late April so more has been planted and much growth has occurred. These are green beans, of which I had the first taste today- two words: SUMMERTIME YUMMINESS. Updates coming soon!
Eli's loves to crawl into tight spaces and inspect the electrical outlets and electrical cords. We have made quite an obstacle course of most of the house to keep him safe from harm.