Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snow Days

We had a pretty nice snow today and we decided to take Caleb outside to enjoy it. Just as we started outside the sun came out and the snow began to melt. We were still able to have a little fun and get some nice pictures. Caleb did not seem to be too fond of the cold, but he liked the snow.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This is a momentous day. My days of breastfeeding Mr. Caleb are over it seems. Today was the first day in over 15 months that I did not nurse him. WOW! I just can't believe it. This last week he had dropped all but his morning nursing and I just thought it was going to take him forever to give that one up. He's been kind of sick the past couple of days, so I thought that would prolong it even more. Interestingly enough, however, when he woke up this morning I was able to feed him his cereal and we skipped the nursing. Since Caleb has tested positive for a number of food allergies (cow's milk, eggs, wheat and questionable oats) and I have continued to nurse him, not only has Caleb had to avoid those foods, but so have I. It has not made for a fun diet as so many things contain one of those foods! Thank goodness our local Kroger has a special food section of allergen free stuff. Today I was able to treat myself to all kinds of stuff I've had to avoid- sweet potato casserole with nut topping, coconut cream pie, homemade rolls, chocolate cake and pizza- YUM YUM YUM. My mom had a dinner party last night and so it worked out perfectly that this was the day for Caleb to give up nursing so I could pig out on the leftovers. It's funny, I'd challenge anybody to do without some of your favorite foods for about a month and then set a day to eat them and truly taste how good they are! I so hope Caleb outgrows his allergies so he'll be able to enjoy these same foods someday! I have to tell you though, kudos to all of you breastfeeding moms. I cannot believe my mom did it with each of her 5 children and my sister did it with all 3 of hers (oh, and I should mention 2 of those 3 were twins and she nursed them for over a year with very little supplementation- IMAGINE 2 at the same time!!!!!!). What a faith-building experience it has been. I hope if Jeremy and I are blessed with other children I will also be able to breastfeed them, but until then I will enjoy the freedom of not breastfeeding!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Playing Outside

We had to steal these pictures from cousin Radnor's blog. The boys had a great time getting to play outside at Grandmama's yesterday- oh for Spring to get here! By the way, my favorite is the second one because Caleb's hair makes him look like a little punk rocker. Thank you so much Karina for your patience in taking the pictures.


See you guys later!

Where's Caleb?


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

All About Caleb

Caleb was tagged by his cousin Radnor via his blog to complete this so this is all from Caleb. This is the first time we have been tagged for one of these blog lists, so we'll see how it goes. Life pretty much revolves around me right now with the following eight things being my biggest interests at 15 months.

1. I am fascinated by anything that has a button you can push that either makes a noise or lights up (except the vacuum, which frightens me). I love to turn on the coffee pot, Grandmama's coffee grinder, and Grandmama's electric can opener. I also love to play with Mommy's cell phone and our home phone.

2. I love bath time. My main goal is to empty the tub of all of it's water by throwing my toys, which are filled with water, over the side of the tub onto the bathroom floor. Occasionally I enjoy pooping in the tub too. It's so fun to see Mommy get all worked up about it!

3. I love my stuffed teddy bear that Aunt Heather and Uncle Sam gave me. I even sleep with it at night. Sometimes when Mommy checks on me during a nap or at night she finds me with my arm around its neck or me lying on top of it.

4. As with all of the other kids tagged to do this, I really love my daddy. My first and only word for a long time was "Da da, Da da." I love when my daddy gets in from work. I usually run toward the door to see him and he usually has a few hugs and kisses for me. He tickles me and wrestles with me a lot too.

5. I love animals! My favorite animal is probably a dog. Grandmama takes me to see her neighbors' dogs when I visit her and they are great. They are big but they don't scare me at all. Grandmama gave me a stuffed black dog for Christmas that often rides in the car with me. I love it too, but it doesn't bark like her neighbors' dogs do. I'm not sure why.

6. I love to dance and shake my head. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy turn music on so I can dance and they dance with me, although they're not as good as me.

7. I love to empty Mommy's tupperware cabinet. I stack the bowls and containers on the kitchen floor and then if I am especially energetic, I move them to the living room. Mommy is forever finding lids in my toy area. I have on occasion put some of the lids down the heat vent in the floor in the kitchen but Daddy duct-taped around it so I couldn't pull out the vent cover anymore.

8. I give wonderful kisses and nose rubs. My parents are forever asking for kisses and they give me plenty of kisses and hugs without me even asking for them!

I tag my friend Kenzie in Memphis, TN.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Showing off my overalls

Caleb's Aunt Heather gave him these overalls for Christmas and they are too cute on him. He looks like a little farmer. He has a plaid shirt Grandmama gave him for Christmas that looks cute with them too.

New Pictures

Here's some recent pictures of our almost 15 month old! We were able to get outside the last couple of days due to the warmer temperatures and Caleb and I both had a great time strolling around our neighborhood. There's a great creek that runs through most of it which was nice to see and listen too.